Morphological development of the bifurcation at Pannerden : measurements, simulations and improving of graded-sediment modelling
Author(s) |
W. Ottevanger
V. Chavarrias
Publication type | rapport Deltares
The Pannerden bifurcation is the first bifurcation of the Rhine after it enters the Netherlands. At the bifurcation roughly two thirds of the water is directed westwards towards the Waal and one third heads north towards the Pannerdensch Kanaal. Within the KPP project Versterking Onderzoek Waterveiligheid (strengthening research for water safety) a project was defined to research the redistribution of sediment at the bifurcation. This is an important point in the Netherlands as the distribution of water at the bifurcation is defined by law, and the Dutch government has the task to see to it that this distribution is maintained.