
The DAMSAFE consortium consists of the Dutch based research organisation Deltares (coordinator) and the Dutch companies SkyGeo and Royal Eijkelkamp and the Spanish company iPresas. The goal of DAMSAFE is to contribute to enhancing dam safety and water management in India.

Water reservoirs of vital importance

The water reservoirs in India are of vital importance to the cities and urban areas. They provide water for irrigation of the land (food production), are used to gener­ate electricity (water and energy) and offer protection against flooding (safety). Often, the dams are aging, but are also facing different circumstances than when designed, due to changes in land use, socio-economic de­velopments and climate change.

Innovative tools

DAMSAFE consists on the integration of different technologies, that have been developed and proven elsewhere and which provide high quality and reliable information to the end-user. Innovative tools help in forecasting reservoir inflow and outflow, thus increas­ing reservoir performance and more controlled release of water in the environment. They allow assessment of the dam condition resulting in optimization of Opera­tion and Maintenance (O&M), while rapid and risk based assessment of dam safety provides information for emergency response and improved risk reduction.

Bhadra embankment dam
Bhadra embankment dam

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