More information

Deltares in The Netherlands

Check current travel information for diversions or alternative routes on the day of your visit.

Traveling by public transport? Plan your trip with the Dutch railway and public transport planner.

Not sure what the easiest way of transport will be for you? GoogleMaps will give you travel times for car, public transport and cycling.

Location Delft

Boussinesqweg 1
2629 HV Delft
Delft P.O. Box 177
2600 MH Delft

tel: +31 (0)88 335 8273

Traveling by public transport? Plan your trip with the Dutch railway and public transport planner.

Not sure what the easiest way of transport will be for you? GoogleMaps will give you travel times for car, public transport and cycling.

Parking on our campus is free of charge.

Deltares Delft

Locations Utrecht

Daltonlaan 600
3584 BK Utrecht
P.O. Box 85467
3508 AL Utrecht

tel: +31 (0)88 335 7775

Traveling by public transport? Plan your trip with the Dutch railway and public transport planner.

Not sure what the easiest way of transport will be for you? GoogleMaps will give you travel times for car, public transport and cycling.

Parking for visitors in front of the building is free of charge. If these parking spaces are taken, please use P1 (button 'visitors Daltonlaan 600'), paid parking Padualaan or P+R Utrecht Science Park.

Utrecht – Biogeochemical Laboratory

Princetonlaan 8
3584 CB Utrecht
PO box 85467
3508 AL Utrecht

Exit ticket for parking spaces Budapestlaan is available at the reception desk.

More information about chemical biology laboratory.

Route Utrecht

Deltares in the United Arab Emirates

Bin Hamoodah Tower – ADNEC,
16th Floor – Reception,
Khaleej Al Arabi Street,
Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates


M +971 (0)56 549 1920 (UAE)
M +31 (0)6 464 824 18 (NL)

Deltares in Singapore

Deltares Singapore Branch (postal address)

200 Jalan Sultan
Textile Centre, #08-02
Singapore 199018

Go to the Singapore website


Deltares in Indonesia

Attn. Henni Hendarti
Gedung One Wolter Place lantai 3A
Jl. One Wolter Monginsidi 63B
Kebayoran Baru, Desa/Kelurahan Rawa Barat, Kec. Kebayoran Baru, Kota
Jakarta Selatan, Provinsi DKI Jakarta
Republic of Indonesia

Telephone: +62 (0)87 765 83 23 63

Email: or

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