Research facilities
The 300-metre-long Delta flume where we can simulate waves of more than 4.5 metres high is world-famous. The same goes for the innovative GeoCentrifuge in which we reduce processes in the subsurface that in reality take years to hours, necessary to build a road or tunnel. Deltares' research facilities for water and soil research are unique in many ways. Have a look at the great diversity in innovative facilities at our disposal.

Wave and flow facilities

To adapt hydraulic structures to changing conditions along coasts or at ports or to build new ones for that purpose, it is important to test them before the build. What is the optimal design for the conditions in place? We have unique wave and flow facilities. Unique because of their scale and accuracy.
Geo facilities

With our geo facilities, we perform research for issues related to the subsurface. We study the effects of human interference. For instance, if you want to build or improve a tunnel or a road. Simuations also enable us to study situations and effects that might occur in the future. It is expected that in the future subsoils will be wetter, warmer and drier. Anticipating on that situation are for instance the Dutch water and soil guiding policy and SDG11 sustainable cities and towns.
Data facilities

In our data facilities, we tackle complex water, subsurface and infrastructure challenges. We use machine learning and deep learning to develop tools and models that contribute to keeping delta regions around the world livable and safe.
Biological, chemical and physical research

The quality of water, soil and sediment is important for liveability. Here, for instance, we explore possible solutions for sufficient space for dredged material and the presence and effects of pollutants.
Our Deltalab

We develop standard and tailor-made laboratory instruments and
advanced measuring techniques. These instruments and techniques enable
for instance dredgers, port authorities, laboratories, universities and
engineering firms to have accurate hydrodynamic measurements. We have a
track-record of more than 70 years of knowledge and experience with
precision mechanics. This enables us to continuously adapt to actual