Where and when?
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The world is currently experiencing a huge digital transformation. Our simulation products, such as Delft3D FM Suite, D-GEO Suite, iMOD Suite, RTC-Tools, WANDA, wflow and XBeach, our 24/7 operational platform Delft-FEWS, our BlueEarth Data portal and data science services are more important than ever, as they keep the user community at the forefront of innovation in unprecedented times.
Join us to exchange your software experiences and engage in excellent networking opportunities. In September – December, we will offer both an on-premise programme and an online programme filled with interactive workshops, symposia, user days and courses.
Registration via the DSD-INT website is open. Participation to most events (except courses) is free of charge, however registration is required.
In this way Deltares – together with IHE Delft Institute for Water Education and Delft University of Technology – contribute to the software community, with currently 35,000+ members from all over the world.