About Arjan Venmans

Arjan specialises in design, construction and maintenance of (rail)roads on soft soil, life cycle costing and sustainability. Past activities comprise development and validation of design methods for ground improvement, field-testing of innovative construction methods and waste materials, development of contract specifications, consultancy, construction supervision and maintenance planning in the fields of geotechnics, drainage and concrete pavements. Arjan developed the decision support model MRoad for the design of highways on the basis of whole life costs. At the moment, he leads the project Reliable Subsurface Modelling to integrate geotechnical, geological and geophysical knowledge into a subsurface model suitable for geotechnical design. As member of the Deltares Eco-Dynamic Design team he creates added value in infrastructure projects by applying eco-engineering solutions.

Arjan has been chairman of many national working groups for development of guidelines for construction on soft soil, and secretary of The Netherlands Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. He is member of the CEN Technical Committee 396 on Earthworks and registered evaluator for the European Commission Research Programs. He published over 40 scientific publications, many reports and presented many lectures. As academic visitor he is teaching at the Geo-Engineering Section of Delft Technical University.

Working experience

  1. Deltares

    Expert consultant

    2009 - present
  2. TU Delft

    Academic visitor Engineering Geology

    2003 - present
  3. Deltares

    Senior consultant

    2006 - 2008
  4. Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, Road and Hydraulic Engineering Division

    Product Group Manager geotechnics and sub-bases, Specialist for concrete pavements, Geotechnical Specialist

    1996 - 2006
  5. GeoDelft

    Product Line Manager research, Project consultant

    1987 - 1996

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