About Mario Martinelli

Mario Martinelli works within the GEO Unit at Deltares, while concurrently serving as an Adjunct Research Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. He holds a bachelor's degree in civil engineering, as well as an MSc and a PhD in Geotechnical Engineering, all from "Sapienza" University of Rome, Italy.

His primary areas of specialisation and professional focus revolve around offshore geotechnics and geo-hazard assessment for critical infrastructures. Mario is the topic leader on landslides within the research line "Moonshot No.2" at Deltares. His expertise extends to the development of advanced numerical methods for large-deformation analyses, with a specific emphasis on the installation of structures like monopiles, and to assess the effects of natural geo-hazards (landslides and earthquakes) on critical infrastructures. In this field, Dr. Martinelli holds the position of secretary within the Anura3D MPM Research Community.

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