About Peter Nelemans

Peter Nelemans is an interdisciplinary hydrologist, specialised in catchment and urban hydrology. With a background in environmental sciences, he is dedicated to protecting and enhancing ecosystems, and enabling (vulnerable) communities to do the same.

At Deltares, Peter has been involved in projects on flood forecasting, droughts, climate change, nature-based solutions, capacity building, operational water management, and water resources. Combining his passion for fieldwork with his affinity for hydrological modeling, Peter excels at realistically translating between the situation on-the-ground and complex models.

He has worked on projects in Pakistan, Sudan, Bhutan, Uganda, Nepal, Senegal, Tajikistan, and Singapore, among others.

Peter values an integrated approach to his work, always considering the broader context by linking local challenges, such as heat stress and flooding, with global processes like climate change and urbanisation.

Stemming from his teaching experience in the Netherlands and Vietnam, Peter is capable of explaining complex concepts to non-technical audiences, and has a talent for bridging the gap between stakeholders from different backgrounds. Building on this ability, he brings a strong focus on the human dimension to each project, striving to engage and empower local partners throughout the process.

Peter earned his MSc Cum Laude in Water Management from Delft University of Technology. For his thesis, he explored the potential of Graph Neural Networks as alternative to numerical hydrological models, and presented his findings at EGU2024 in Vienna, Austria. At Deltares, he continues to work on machine learning, exploring novel and hybrid modelling techniques.

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