About Pieter Pauw
Dr. Pieter Pauw is a hydrogeologist, specialised in the interaction between fresh and saline groundwater (e.g., salinisation, salt water intrusion). His hydrogeological expertise comprises measurement and monitoring techniques in the field, as well as analytical and numerical modeling.
Currently, Pieter is working as a project engineer in the department of Applied Geology and Geophysics. As a project engineer, he is focusing on geophysical borehole logging activities for hydrogeological and geological studies and applications.
Working experience
Project Engineer in the department of Applied Geology and Geophysics, focusing on geophysical borehole logging.
2015 - presentWageningen University and Deltares
PhD. Candidate. Degree of Doctor obtained in 2015. Name of dissertation: ‘Field and Model Investigations of Freshwater Lenses in Coastal Aquifers’.
2010 - 2015