Comparative Assessment of Drought Hazard and Risk Modeling Tools
Author(s) |
D.M.D. Hendriks
P. Trambauer
M.J.P. Mens
S. Galvis Rodriguez
M.G.F. Werner
S. Maskey
M. Svoboda
T. Tadesse
T.I.E. Veldkamp
C. Funk
S. Shukla
Publication type | rapport Deltares
The main purpose of this report is an evaluation of available drought hazard and risk modeling tools and other resources that are available at the global scale for their suitability to be applied for drought hazard mapping and hotspot identification, drought risk assessments and drought detection and forecasting. This report describes a quantitative and qualitative comparative assessment of a selection of drought hazard and risk modeling tools and resources that are available from the global drought inventory as developed by the GFDRR (Deltares, 2018). Not all modeling tools and resources collected in the global drought inventory were taken up in these analyses. Only modeling tools and resources that are available online, free of cost, and have global coverage were assessed. The reason for these selection criteria is that the results of this study should be applicable for all users in all countries of the world. However, for the review and qualitative comparison of drought monitoring and forecasting systems, regional and national systems were also assessed.