About Bas Bolman

Bas Bolman is a senior advisor at Deltares since 2017. He develops and implements international projects relating to fisheries and aquaculture. These projects are integrated and multidisciplinary by nature and often connect to topics such marine governance, Blue Economy (BE), Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM), Marine Spatial Planning (MSP), climate change and multi-use. In BE/ICZM/MSP processes he is often involved in framework and indicator development in interaction with policy makers and other stakeholders.

Recently a new project started on the Seychelles: Support for articulating the BE and coastal adaptation investment priorities for Seychelles’ climate resilience (clients: Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change & World Bank). Another project includes the support of the government of Mozambique to develop a sustainable BE roadmap (clients: World Bank and ProAzul). Another project was recently completed, aiming to develop a BE Sustainability Framework with criteria and indicators for blue economy sectors inside and outside the EU (client: EASME / DG MARE).

From 2014-2017 Bolman was a researcher at Wageningen Economic Research, implementing marine governance and aquaculture projects. Bolman was responsible for building public-private partnerships with the seafood industry, NGOs and governments to enable more sustainability in aquaculture supply chains in Ghana, Kenya, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Indonesia. He was also a work package leader of the Horizon 2020 project SUCCESS, focussing on the competitiveness of European fisheries and aquaculture. Furthermore Bolman was involved in the H2020 project MARIBE, aiming unlock the potential of multi-use of space in the Blue Economy. From 2010-2014 he worked for IMARES. Amongst others he was a work package leader for the FP7 project COEXIST, focussing on a better integration of fisheries, aquaculture and other activities in the coastal zone. From 2008-2010 he has been setting up public-private partnerships at the Dutch Ministry of Fisheries, aiming to work towards innovative techniques for sustainable fisheries and aquaculture.

Working experience

  1. Deltares

    Senior advisor Marine and Coastal Management

    2017 - present
  2. Wageningen Economic Research (formerly LEI)

    Aquaculture Researcher & Project Developer

    2014 - 2017
  3. Wageningen Marine Research (formerly IMARES)

    Programme Coordinator Arctic, offshore and maritime operations

    2011 - 2014
  4. Center for Marine Policy

    Project Developer Marine and Coastal Management

    2011 - 2012
  5. Wageningen Marine Research (formerly IMARES)

    Project manager maritime/offshore operations

    2010 - 2011
  6. Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (Netherlands)

    Process coordinator implementation of fisheries and aquaculture regulations

    2008 - 2010

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