About Bernhard Becker

Dr. Bernhard Becker stands for integrated modelling in the widest sense: In development projects for Deltares hydro software he connects software developers and software users. For water-related studies he models interaction processes of different domains by model coupling with the help of standard interfaces like OpenMI. For cross-border initiatives he brings people from different countries and institutions together. One focus within the field of integrated modelling are the interactions of surface and subsurface water, in particular “subsurface floods”.

His second area of expertise is real-time control (RTC). Becker is experienced with classical feedback control methods as well as with model predictive control models. For reservoir management optimization he applies HEC-ResPRM (US Army Corps of Engineers) and Deltares’ own open source tool box RTC-Tools.

Becker has more than 12 years of work experience in different fields of hydraulic engineering and water resources management. He holds a PhD degree in civil engineering from RWTH Aachen University (Germany) and has management and leadership experience as deputy department head, from a reserve officer career (German armed forces), and as project leader in various projects.

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