About Erik Mosselman

Erik Mosselman is a river scientist and hydraulic engineer with special expertise in fluvial morphodynamics, river training, ecological river restoration and flood risk management. He worked on numerous rivers in Europe, Asia, Africa and the Americas, with long-standing involvement in the Room-for-the-River programme for the Rhine branches in the Netherlands, development of a sustainable inland waterway between the Port of Rotterdam and Germany, and stabilization of the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River in Bangladesh. He combines broad system analysis and mathematical methods with practical engineering in research, consultancy, education and strategic advice.

He was a leader of innovation and development of numerical morphodynamic models and supervised laboratory experiments and field research. Key topics in his research are riverbank erosion, bars, meandering, braiding, bifurcations and avulsions. He has a keen interest in nature-based solutions for river restoration and adaptive river training. In the Room-for-the-River programme he developed methods for morphological impact assessment and acted as a national auditor for such assessments by engineering consultancies.

For the European Union he participated in defining hydromorphological conditions for good ecological status according to the Water Framework Directive. He participated in teams to review flood disaster events and flood risk management policies in France, Colombia and Canada. He actively reaches out to stakeholders and has written explanatory publications for a non-expert readership.

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Working experience

  1. Deltares

    Specialist / Expert adviser / Deputy department head

    2008 - present
  2. Delft University of Technology

    Assistant professor / Researcher / Lecturer

    2001 - present
  3. WL | Delft Hydraulics

    (Senior) Adviser-researcher

    1991 - 2007
  4. Delft University of Technology

    Research assistant

    1987 - 1991
  5. Ministry of Defence

    Captain (conscript)

    1985 - 2006
  6. Delft University of Technology

    Research assistant

  7. Deltadienst of Rijkswaterstaat

    Free-lance employee (sea wave research)

    1982 - 1984

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