About Esther van Baaren

Esther van Baaren is an expert in the field of freshwater resources management in saline deltaic areas. During her MSc Applied Mathematics at the Delft University of Technology she specialized on the simulation of flow and transport processes. Already during her studies she focused on the availability of fresh water in a saline environment in an internship in the Sine Saloum Delta in Senegal and in her MSc thesis at Royal Haskoning.

At TNO she started as a researcher geohydrology and modeller density dependent groundwater with coupled salt transport on case studies such as Volkerak Zoommeer, effects of climate change on fresh groundwater resources and salinization in the Province of Zuid-Holland, groundwater extractions in Flevoland and changing fresh groundwater lenses in dune areas due to coastal defense (Sand Engine).

As a researcher / consultant fresh water resources at Deltares she broadened her expertise to fresh water management, including water system analysis, monitoring, measures fresh water supply and stakeholder participation. As a senior researcher / consultant Esther was project manager of several research and more applied projects in a multi-party setting such as FRESHEM Zeeland, effects of deepening the New Waterway on the groundwater system and the Water Farm.

With her expertise on simulations and Managed Aquifer Storage and Recovery she participated in the Jurong Island project in Singapore and GO-FRESH in the Netherlands.

Working experience

  1. Deltares

    Senior advisor/researcher fresh water resources

    2007 - present

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