About Freek Scheel

Freek Scheel is a senior consultant in coastal engineering & morphodynamics at Deltares, who is mainly engaged in specialist consultancy studies in support of coastal and offshore developments. In these studies, investigations into the interaction between natural morphodynamics and man-made developments take central stage. He gained over a decade of experience on this topic, through participation in projects in well over 25 different countries, while performing roles such as specialized technical consultant, researcher, lecturer, and project manager/coordinator. Through his work, Freek has gained particular experience with detailed and tailored numerical modelling applications for coastal and offshore morphodynamics, specifically for port siltation, coastline dynamics, impact studies, offshore seabed mobility, design optimization, and fine sediment dynamics. For each of these topics, establishing links to the latest relevant research and development (R&D) in projects is an integral component of his work.

As such, in his position as both a consultant and researcher, Freek is also involved in various R&D topics, aimed at developing novel and state-of-the-art techniques, methods, and routines in support of future specialist consultancy. Furthermore, he is an advocate of circular sediment (re)use, climate change assessments, the energy transition, and nature-inclusive design, providing opportunities for coastal and offshore development projects. Finally, Freek enjoys being involved in education, and does so by providing international courses, lectures, and guidance of M.Sc. students.

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