About Marta Faneca Sànchez

Marta Faneca Sanchez is a senior hydrogeologist at Deltares, she works in the Unit of Groundwater and Subsurface Systems. She studied geology and hydrogeology at the University of Barcelona and at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia.

She is specialised in the analysis of groundwater systems, and in groundwater modelling. She has experience working on projects evaluating the impact of dry periods on the groundwater system, defining indicators to assess groundwater related risks, and developing measures and strategies to counteract or prevent negative impacts of drought. Her projects also include the combination of field work, modelling, and collaborative processes, as well as the analysis of the climate and socio-economic scenarios on the groundwater system.

She has a vast experience in coastal groundwater assessment and management, with a focus on the availability of fresh water and the definition of measures and strategies to secure it. Most of the studies have as main goal a better understanding of the system, and the definition of the best policy measures to achieve sustainable groundwater management and supply. Marta has worked in projects in The Netherlands, Spain, Bolivia, Bangladesh, Kenya, Colombia and Mozambique, both in the technical and in the coordination and management aspects.

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