About Martijn de Jong

Dr. Martijn de Jong works at the Hydraulic Engineering Unit of Deltares as Expert Advisor on hydrodynamics related to coastal infrastructure. He has an MSc in hydraulic engineering at TU Delft and a PhD in fluid mechanics at TU Delft.

He has over twenty-five years of professional experience in civil engineering, coastal and harbour projects. As Expert Advisor dr. De Jong consults on hydrodynamic topics related to movable storm surge barriers (storm gates) and other coastal infrastructure such as ports (wave penetration, currents and vessel-induced water motions). He has consulted on all the large storm surge barriers in The Netherlands, including digital twins of the Maeslant Barrier and Ramspol Barrier. A central topic in those projects are hydraulic loads acting on those large barriers, such a wave and flow forces on the Eastern Scheldt Storm Surge Barrier. He is active in the international knowledge network on storm surge barriers I-STORM and is a member of the Advisory Group of ISTORM.

Besides his own main technical fields of expertise, dr. De Jong has supervised several interdisciplinary projects involving large infrastructure developments. In these projects on hydraulic structures the topic of sustainability and minimising and mitigating negative impacts has an increasingly large role. Furthermore, the expected lifetime of hydraulic structures and the influence of climate change are critical topics. dr. De Jong has had a central role in recent studies on the expected lifetime of the Hollandsche IJssel Barrier and the Rotterdam Maeslant Barrier, in which the influence of sea level rise proved a critical aspect. This makes that dr. De Jong has a broad technical profile and can advise on many technical topics related to the design, operation and impacts of (large) infrastructural works.

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