Implementation of adaptation strategies or measures

In this project, the consortium (Deltares, Alterra/Wageningen University and Research Centre, Erasmus University Rotterdam, VU University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University, the Provincial Authority of North Brabant) teamed up with parties involved with policy practice to develop guidelines relating to the question of how adaptation strategies can be implemented flexibly and what role reflective monitoring can play in that respect. To this end, a method has been developed that supports the decision-making progress leading to the implementation of adaptation strategies or measures.

Method: questionnaire, serious game and policy-arrangements canvas

This method consists of a questionnaire, a serious game and a policy-arrangements canvas that has been developed on the basis of action-based research in two cases and using a range of additional interactive sessions. This method involves describing possible arrangements that can be deployed in more, or less, flexible ways in combination with forms of reflexive monitoring.

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