The wave generator is capable of generating regular and irregular long-crested waves. The Deltares software package AUKE is used for the control of the waveboard and the gathering and processing of measurement data. The waveboards can use a second-order wave control whereby interference waves can be compensated for.

Application areas

The influence of three-dimensional wave attack on structures can be significant. In the Pacific Basin three-dimensional scale model tests can be conducted to research these phenomena. The Pacific Basin is used for different studies where the filter-layer stability, the stability of the bed protection and/or scour and erosion related problems play an important role. Because of the size and capabilities of the wavegenerator the Scheldt Flume (2D) and the Pacific Basin (3D) can be used to do complementary tests at the same scale.


Typical studies where the Pacific Basin is used

  • Breakwaters, 3D stability and breakwater heads
  • Wave overtopping over dikes
  • Scour around structures
  • Mobile bedconstructions
  • Stability of pipe coating systems

Technical specifications

Wave basin

Horizontal dimensions: 28m x 14m
Basic height: 1.25m
Maximum water depth: 1.0m
Minimum water depth: 0.25m

Wave generator

Waveboard: cradle-type
Breadth wave generator: 14m
Height waveboard: 1.2m

Wave characteristics

Frequency range: f = 0 to 2 Hz
Maximum regular wave height H max: 0.4m by T = 2s
Maximum significant wave height Hm0: 0.21m by Tp = 1.9s
Wave damping: passive wave damping beach

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