Over Marc Hijma

Dr. Marc Hijma is een expert op het gebied van zeespiegelveranderingen, sedimentaire geologie, delta-evolutie en toegepaste geologie. Hij promoveerde in 2009 op een onderzoek naar de langetermijnevolutie van de Rijn-Maasdelta in relatie tot snelle zeespiegelveranderingen. Voordat hij bij Deltares kwam, deed hij gedurende drie jaar postdoctoraal onderzoek naar de veranderingen in het Noordzeebekken gedurende de laatste 1 miljoen jaar en naar de geologie van de Mississippi Delta. Zijn belangrijkste expertise- en werkgebieden zijn:

  • Veranderingen op zeeniveau: verleden, heden en toekomst
  • Evolutie van delta- en kustsystemen op lange termijn
  • Ondiepe ondergrond van Nederland
  • Geologie van de Mississippi Delta
  • Morfodynamica van de zeebodem: processen en advisering over baggerstrategieën en de bouw van windparken
  • Geologisch advies bij infrastructurele werken
  • Offshore archeologische verwachtingskaarten
  • Stochastische schematisering van de ondergrond onder dijken


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  1. Deltares


    2012 - present
  2. Tulane University (New Orleans, USA)


    2010 - 2012
  3. Leiden University

    Post-doc (For Spinoza winner Wil Roebroeks)

    2010 - 2012
  4. Utrecht University

    Ph.D. Physical Geography

    2005 - 2009
  5. BAAC BV

    Geological consultant

    2004 - 2005
  6. Utrecht University/Rijkswaterstaat

    Junior Researcher

    2002 - 2003


  1. A protocol for a geological sea-level database.

    Hijma, M.P., Engelhart, S.E., Horton, B.P., Törnqvist, T.E., Hu, P., Hill, D.F. In: I. Shennan, A.J. Long and B.P. Horton, eds. (2015), Handbook of Sea-Level Research. Wiley Blackwell.

  2. Paleogeography.

    Vis, G.-J., Cohen, K.M., Westerhoff, W.E., Ten Veen, J.H., Hijma, M.P., Van der Spek, A.J.F., Vos, P.C. In: I. Shennan, A.J. Long and B.P. Horton, eds. (2014), Handbook of Sea-Level Research. Wiley Blackwell.

  3. The Transgressive Early–Middle Holocene Boundary: The Case for a GSSP at Rotterdam, Rhine Delta, North Sea Basin.

    Cohen, K.M., Hijma, M.P. In: Rocha, Pais, Kullberg & Finney (eds) (2014) STRATI 2013, Springer Geology XVII , 925-929.

  4. Aeolian beach ridges and their significance for climate and sea level: Concept and insight from the Levant coast (East Mediterranean).

    Mauz, B., Hijma, M.P., Amorosi, A., Porat, N., Galilie, E., Bloemendal, J. (2013) Earth-Science Reviews, 121, 31-54. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2013.03.003.

  5. Links between early Holocene ice-sheet decay, sea-level rise and abrupt climate change.

    Törnqvist, T.E., Hijma, M.P. (2012) Nature Geoscience, 5, 601-606. doi:10.1038/NGEO1536.

  6. Pleistocene Rhine–Thames landscapes: geological background for hominin occupation of the southern North Sea region.

    Hijma, M.P., Cohen, K.M., Roebroeks, W., Westerhoff, W.E., Busschers, F.S. (2012) Journal of Quaternary Science, 27(1), 17-39. doi: 10.1002/jqs.1549.

  7. Holocene transgression of the Rhine river mouth area, The Netherlands/Southern North Sea: palaeogeography and sequence stratigraphy.

    Hijma, M.P., Cohen, K.M. (2011) Sedimentology, 58(6), 1453-1485. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3091.2010.01222.x.

  8. Comment on: Mid-Holocene water-level changes in the lower Rhine-Meuse delta (western Netherlands): implications for the reconstruction of relative mean sea-level rise, palaeoriver-gradients and coastal evolution by Van de Plassche et al.

    Hijma M.P., Cohen K.M. (2011) Netherlands Journal of Geosciences - Geologie en Mijnbouw, 90 (1), 51-54. (2010)

  9. Timing and magnitude of the sea-level jump preluding the 8200 yr event.

    Hijma, M.P., Cohen, K.M. (2010) Geology, 38 (3), 275-278. doi: 10.1130/G30439.1.

  10. Development of a mid-Holocene estuarine basin, Rhine-Meuse mouth area, offshore the Netherlands.

    Hijma, M.P., Van der Spek, A.J.F., Van Heteren, S. (2010) Marine Geology, 271 (3-4), 198-211. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2010.02.011.

  11. From river valley to estuary: the evolution of the Rhine mouth in the early to middle Holocene (western Netherlands, Rhine-Meuse delta).

    Hijma, M.P., Cohen, K.M., Hoffmann, G., Van der Spek, A.J.F. (2009), Stouthamer, E. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences - Geologie en Mijnbouw, 88 (1), 13-53.

  12. From river valley to estuary: the early-mid Holocene transgression of the Rhine-Meuse valley, The Netherlands

    Hijma, M.P. (2009) Ph.D.thesis, Utrecht University. http://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/37147

  13. Het Rijnmondgebied in het Vroeg Holoceen: inzichten uit een diepe put bij Blijdorp (Rotterdam)

    Cohen, K.M., Hijma, M.P. (2008) Grondboor en Hamer 62 (3/4), 64-71. http://dspace.library.uu.nl/handle/1874/32883


  1. Stochastic subsurface schematisation (WTI)

    Role: Projectleader and researcher. An important aspect in the stability of a dike/levee is the subsurface. The subsurface can best be represented by means of scenarios with chances of occurring. In this project we schematize the subsurface below 3500 km of levees. The scenarios will be used as input in geotechnical equations.

    The Netherlands, 2012 - present
  2. Morphodynamics of the North Sea floor

    Role: Researcher/Consultant. Studying the morphodynamics of the North Sea floor. The knowledge is used to understand the processes forming the seafloor bedforms, to assist in creating efficient dredging strategies, to advise during the development of wind-farms and to advise on nourishments.

    The Netherlands, 2012 - present
  3. Trying to establish a global database of geological sea-level data that in the end is used to make regional projections for future sea-level change.

    Role: initiator

    World, 2010 - present
  4. Working on North Sea archaeology. Where to expect preserved archaeology and what are ways to extract/avoid them?

    Role: researcher.

    The Netherlands, 2009 - present
  5. Highway A4 suffered many geological/geotechnical problems. The complexity of the subsurface below a part of Highway A4 that is currently constructed led to unexpected hydrogeological problems. Detailed geological research was needed to get a grip on the complexity and to incorporate it into risk assessments.

    Role: researcher.

    The Netherlands, 2013
  6. Holocene sea-level database and evolution of the Mississippi Delta.

    Role: Post-doc. Main aims: Gathering all available sea-level data of the Gulf of Mexicp and analyse them using a new protocol. This will lead to a much better understanding of sea-level variability and differential land subsidence. Another aim was to study the evolution of the Mississippi Delta during the last 6,000 yr.

    USA, 2010 - 2012
  7. Mapping North Sea Neanderthal.

    Role: Post-doc. Main aim: integrating existing geological data about the paleogeography of the North Sea basin during the last 1 million years in relation to archaeological finds in the North Sea.

    The Netherlands, 2009 - 2010
  8. Ph.D.-research on the evolution of the Rhine-Meuse river-mouth area and sea-level changes between 12,000 and 6,000 years ago

    The Netherlands, 2005 - 2009
  9. Studies on the effects of ship passages on groyne fields morpho- and hydrodynamics

    Role: Junior Researcher.

    The Netherlands, 2002 - 2003
  10. Studying beach behaviour based on the Argus-video system

    Role: Junior Researcher.

    The Netherlands, 2002 - 2003
  11. Member of Koninklijk Nederlandse Geologisch Mijnbouwkundig Genootschap/Royal Geological and Mining Society of the Netherlands (KNGMG)

    2005 - present
  12. Member of Sedimentological Circle (Part of KNGMG)

    2005 – present
  13. Member of Netherlands Centre for Coastal Research (NCK)

  14. Member of Netherlands Centre for River Studies (NCR)


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