A quickscan of building-with-nature solutions to mitigate coastal erosion in Colombia : interim report
Auteur(s) |
J. Stronkhorst
A.J.F. van der Spek
D.S. van Maren
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
In the end of 2012, specialists of both Colombia and the Netherlands conducted a quick-scan on sustainable solutions for coastal erosion problems along the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Colombia. The project was carried out within the framework of an agreement between the research institutes Invemar (Santa Marta, Colombia) and Deltares (Delft, The Netherlands). The work was sponsored by the Department of Marine Affairs, Coastal and Aquatic Resources of the Ministry of the Environment (Bogota, Colombia). During the project seminars, workshops and field visits had been arranged, both in Colombia and the Netherlands.