Development and test of usability of an operational crop growth system for farmers : TKI Farmers'App (final report)
Auteur(s) |
E. Snippen
S. Ball
L. Bos-Burgering
H. Haaksma
T. Vollebergh
Y. Ben-Yosef
P.E.V. van Walsum
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
The goal of this project was to demonstrate the possibility to develop a real-time forecasting system for crop production, enabling water boards, farmers and the insurance broker to improve their services and possibly reduce costs. The setup of both the Aa & Maas and Vechtstromen models within the “Grow with the Flow” operational system shows promising initial results. The value of the system was demonstrated by comparing model results with measurements in the field during the growing season. We successfully finalized the system and demonstrated the possibilities of application for a wet (2016), ‘normal’ (2017), and dry (2018) season.