E-Use - Europe wide Use of Sustainable energy from aquifers
Publicatie type | monografie
In this pilot attention is given to all these three barriers: 1. The barrier upon the lack of experience is addressed by team-meetings with all the different partners during the design phase of the pilot; 2. Upfront of the design of the pilot, lab-studies were performed at WURETE, which resulted in publications in international peer reviewed journals and a PhD thesis in 2015. In this research, the proof of principle is demonstrated that especially in the warm well of ATES systems the bioremediation of frequent reported contaminants by chlorinated solvents as PCE, TCE, DCE and VC can be accelerated by more than factor a 10 compared to Natural Attenuation. If this laboratory research could also be confirmed in real pilot studies this is expected to lead to the acceptation of the ATES-Bioremediation concept by waterboards and drinking water companies of the application of ATES systems.; 3.For this specific case no adaptations of legislation was necessary as the CRD is allowed to perform pilot studies. Further CRD visited the Netherlands where area based policies are developed that allow new developments in which a standstill in spreading of contaminants is realized or in which the environmental quality reaches a better status. The emphasis in this pilot is especially directed to investigate the natural sciences based barriers, as this barrier could be a showstopper for the combination of ATES and Bioremediation.