Generalised likelihood uncertainty estimation for the daily HBV model in the Rhine Basin, Part B: Switzerland
Auteur(s) |
M. Hegnauer
W.J. van Verseveld
Publicatie type | Rapport Deltares
This report describes the derivation of a set of parameter sets for the HBV models for the Swiss part of the Rhine basin covering the catchment area upstream of Basel, including the uncertainty in these parameter sets. These parameter sets are required for the project "Generator of Rainfall And Discharge Extremes (GRADE)". GRADE aims to establish a new approach to define the design discharges flowing into the Netherlands from the Meuse and Rhine basins. The design discharge return periods are very high and GRADE establishes these by performing a long simulation using synthetic weather inputs. An additional aim of GRADE is to estimate the uncertainty of the resulting design discharges. One of the contributions to this uncertainty is the model parameter uncertainty, which is why the derivation of parameter uncertainty is required.