Global inventory of drought hazard and risk modeling tools and resources + Appendix
Auteur(s) |
D.M.D. Hendriks
P. Trambauer
M.J.P. Mens
M. Faneca Sanchez
S. Galvis Rodriguez
H.P. Bootsma
C.M. van Kempen
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
This report presents a global inventory of drought hazard and risk modeling tools and resources with global, regional, and national application scales. This global drought risk inventory focuses on a range of applications covering hazard mapping, monitoring and forecasting of hazards, impacts, and risks related to meteorological drought, hydrological drought, agricultural drought, and socio-economic drought. The almost 200 modeling tools and resources included in the inventory consist of indices, datasets, platforms, newsletters/bulletins, modeling software packages, and other tools. The report provides an overview per region and concise descriptions in reports of all drought hazard and risk modeling tools and resources that are currently collected. Besides a general description and its’ main characteristics, for each drought modeling tool and resource, contact information, references, and online links are provided. This enables the user of this inventory to obtain more information and download the tool or resource of interest.