Holistic management of brownfield regeneration (HOMBRE) : early indicators for brownfield origination
Auteur(s) |
G.J. Ellen
P.F.M. van Gaans
M.A. van Aalst
A. Marsman
J. Klein
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
One of the first objectives of HOMBRE is to get a better understanding of why, how, where and when brownfields are formed, in order to avoid future BFs as much as possible. To this end, ‘early indicators’ are identified, that can aid in anticipating brownfield formation and related problems in an early stage. Then, through managed intervention, this could be prevented from happening. Thus, the goal of the early indicators is to have a signalling function towards persons or organisations responsible for land management. The management level specifically considered is that of the municipality. In total, around 40 early indicators have been identified through literature review, that are viewed to be generically usable. They have been grouped into clusters within the categories of economic, social and environmental indicators. Municipal land managers are envisaged to select from the list of suggested indicators the ones that are most relevant and convenient in their situation.