Kuwait guidelines for Integrated Coastal Zone Management and planning : a stepwise approach for planners and stakeholders
Auteur(s) |
A.J. Nolte
B.T. Ottow
A. Nunez Sanchez
L.F. Torres Duenas
B.C. Bolman
A. Legat
P. Enet
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
The objective of this document is to guide the State of Kuwait in leading an Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) planning process and its subsequent implementation. There is a global acceptance that ICZM constitutes an optimal approach to ensure the sustainable and resilient management of the coastal resources. These guidelines have been developed from March 2017 to February 2020 in close and interactive cooperation between the Environment Public Authority (EPA), the Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research (KISR) and Deltares.