Mining-induced subsidence and water level management : KEM-16 WP3
Auteur(s) |
H. Kooi
H.P. Bootsma
D. Rooze
R.R. Melman
Publicatie type | Rapport Deltares
This report presents a new tool which allows stakeholders to perform calculations to separate the effects of deep (mining) subsidence and other effects (including water level management interference) on freeboard (difference between land surface and surface water level in the water courses). The tool was built as an extension of the open source tool/platform Atlantis, which is used for production of national predictive land subsidence maps for The Netherlands. Two case studies are presented. Case 1, Nedmag-Veendam, concerns the historic effects of subsidence due to salt-mining; calculation was also extended about one decade into the future. Case 2 is a fictitious case that explores deep subsidence effects in an area (between Delfzijl and the city of Groningen) with thicker Holocene soft-soil layers.