Modelling of nutrient load scenarios and transboundary nutrient transport : a model study for OSPAR regions II, III and IV
Auteur(s) |
T.C. Prins
A.N. Blauw
L.M. Vilmin
L.H. van der Heijden
S. Heye
L.J. Buckman
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
In this report, we calculated the relative contribution of 24 geographical groups of riverine sources and of atmospheric deposition, the Atlantic Ocean and outflow from the Baltic Sea to the nutrient concentrations in the OSPAR assessment areas in the NE Atlantic. The results showed that river plumes and some coastal assessment areas showed the strongest influence from nearby rivers, whereas the influence of the natural background from the Atlantic Ocean was dominant in offshore waters. The results support decision making on the effectiveness of load reduction per river source, to reduce eutrophication in the NE Atlantic.