MPM validation with centrifuge tests : pilot case pile installation, part 2 : hypoplasticity
Auteur(s) |
A.S.K. Elkadi
P. Nguyen
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
Numerical calculations using the dynamic MPM-code of Deltares are performed to simulate the installation of jacked piles. Aim of the project is the validation of the numerical calculations using results of centrifuge tests, which were carried out at Deltares. The centrifuge
tests were performed to analyse the installation effects of jacked piles and for the simulation of static and rapid load tests. This is follow-up of the work "On the validation of the Material Point Method (MPM)" (2013) and "MPM validation with centrifuge tests: pilot case pile installation, part 1: Mohr-Coulomb" (2013). Aim of the numerical simulations is to model the pile installation effects to create the loaddisplacement behaviour resulting from the installation. After the simulation of the installation phase, the loading scheme has to be applied which corresponds to the static load test as used in the centrifuge experiment.