Multi-hazard risk assessment in Afghanistan
Auteur(s) |
F.L.M. Diermanse
Publicatie type | Artikel
The geographical location of Afghanistan and years of environmental degradation in the country have made Afghanistan highly prone to intense and recurring natural hazards such as flooding, earthquakes, snow avalanches, landslides and droughts. The understanding and accessibility of hazard, exposure, vulnerability and risk information is key to the effective management of disaster risk. The World Bank and Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery (GFDRR) initiated a project to develop new risk information for Afghanistan about fluvial floods, flash floods,
droughts, landslides, snow avalanches and seismic hazards. The project was carried out by a consortium of five institutes: Deltares (Netherlands), ENEA (Italy), GRF-Davos (Switzerland), KIT-Karlsruhe (Germany) and OMRAN (Afghanistan). Deltares was responsible for the overall project lead and risk assessments for fluvial floods, flash floods and droughts.