On the effects of climate change on the wave loads on the Dutch water defences : plan of approach
Auteur(s) |
S. Caires
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
The aim of this study was to identify knowledge gaps and define a Plan of Approàch to determine the effects of climate changes on the wave loads affecting the water defences of the Netherlands and the safety of maritime transport on the Dutch Caribbean islands. The plan of approach is defined along five research lines dealing with 1) Assessment of the effects of climate change on the wave loads along the Dutch primary water. defences, 2) Assessment of the effect of left overs of tropical cyclones on the wave loads along the Dutch North Sea, 3) Assessment of the effect of climate change in the Caribbean extreme wave climate, 4) Assessment of the effects of climate change on Dutch coastal sand dredging and suppletion and 5) Definition of climate change scenarios affecting the coastal waters of the Netherlands. For each research line the Why, What and How are specified.