POVM Actuele Sterkte - parameter assessment, activiteit 4 : toepassen beter berekeningsmodel EEM
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
For the POVM project Actuele Sterkte a comprehensive laboratory study is conducted. This report discusses the results and reports the parameter assessment for the parameters to be used in the actual stability assessment. The calculation results will be presented in a companion report. The Actuele Sterkte project focusses on 4 cross sections of the dike along the river Hollandse IJssel. The tested samples were retrieved at those cross sections. The laboratory testing program consists of DSS, CAU, Ka-CRS and LDSS tests on clay and peat samples. The tests were performed by Deltares in co-operation with Wiertsema and Partners. The parameters are determined to be used in LEM as well as in FEM calculations.