Sea2City Design Challenge. North Creek Collective : design, planning and costing brief
Auteur(s) |
B.A. Arellano Jaimerena
M. Niesten
F.C. Boogaard
H.S. Otter
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
The Sea2City project in Vancouver took place over the course of a year, and included multiple workshops, community events and associated deliverables. The process was collaborative, iterative, and cumulative, and focused on exploring visions and possibilities for our beloved urban waterfront, eminently vulnerable to sea level rise and coastal flooding. The result is not a final solution for False Creek. Rather, it is a renewed approach and deeper understanding of the relationships and connections that sustain us—and how this knowledge might be applied to help tackle the complex challenges we’re facing. Similarly, this report is not an exhaustive collection of work produced during this process. Rather, it is a summary of key outcomes and recommendations, intended to guide future work and approaches to sea level rise in False Creek.