Velika Morava Flood Forecasting and Warning System : final report
Auteur(s) |
K.J. van Heeringen
D. Bekic
M. Andjelic
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
On the implementation of the Velika Morava Flood Forecasting and Warning project. The objective of the project was to build a well calibrated hydrological model that supports operational flood forecasting in the Velika Morava basin by the Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) in Belgrade. The hydrological model supports flood forecasting embedded in a real-time operational platform, without inclusion of a hydraulic model and training components. The Consultant has developed, calibrated and verified two hydrological models for the Velika Morava catchment - a semi-distributed HEC-HMS and a fully distributed Wflow_sbm model. These models are integrated in an independent Delft-FEWS client-server application hosted at the RHMSS in a Test and Production environment, fed with real-time observations from the RHMSS WISKI database, csv files and deterministic and ensemble Numerical Weather Prediction models.