Vlaamse Baaien Flexible Mesh Model (VlaBa-FM)
Auteur(s) |
M.A. van der Lugt
J.J. van der Werf
B.R. Röbke
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
For mid-term morphological models over a 30-km long domain, this report demonstrates that the 2DH morphodynamic functionality of Delft3D-4 such as morphological acceleration, multiple sediment fractions, dredging and dumping work well in Delft3D-FM. Therefore, this study gives confidence in developing the next generation morphodynamic models in the new model suite. In future studies of the Vlaamse Baaien region with Delft3D-FM it is advised to move to a fit-for-purpose unstructured grid tomake optimal use of the local grid refinement capabilities of Delft3D-FM.