3D Dutch Continental Shelf Model - Flexible Mesh (3D DCSMFM) : setup and validation
Auteur(s) |
F. Zijl
J. Veenstra
Publicatie type | rapport Deltares
This report deals with the setup and validation of a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model (3D DCSM-FM) of the Northwest European Shelf, including the North Sea and adjacent shallow seas and estuaries such as the Wadden Sea and the Eastern and Western Scheidt. The model is developed in D-HYDRO Flexible Mesh and is based on the horizontal schematization of the 2D DCSM-FM model. Unlike this 2D model, 3D DCSM-FM includes temperature and salinity as state parameters. The validation is performed for three configurations of the model, which differ from each other with respect to horizontal resolution, model bathymetry and bottom roughness.