
Stay informed of all the latest Deltares developments in the field of water and subsurface.

  1. Onderzoek overstromingen en financiele sector min

    Five questions about the impact of floods on the financial sector

    Extreme water levels are increasingly common in our country. What are the effects of flood risks on the financial sector? Deltares investigated this together with De Nederlandse Bank (DNB).

    20 December 2023

  2. Working together to strengthen coastal resilience

    Working together to strengthen coastal resilience

    Coastal areas are vital ecosystems that are home to 40 percent of the world's population and host biodiversity hotspots crucial for carbon sequestration. Despite their great importance, a comprehensive understanding of these areas was lacking until recently.

    15 December 2023

  3. Dollard modderige kusten

    Dynamics muddy coasts mapped for the first time

    Where muddy beaches are located and how they change has been visualised for the first time worldwide using satellite imagery, machine learning and various coastal datasets. This shows that three quarters of the world's muddy coasts have changed significantly since 1988.

    14 December 2023

  4. Rijn maas afbeelding

    Future discharges in the Rhine and Meuse: lower in summer and higher in winter

    Deltares, Rijkswaterstaat and the KNMI have been working together for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management to formulate the insights from the latest climate scenarios in terms of the implications for the discharge regime of the Rhine and Meuse rivers. The analysis shows that the mean winter and spring discharges will rise in both rivers.

    13 December 2023

  5. Windmolenparken Noordzee web

    Smarter use of space at nature-inclusive wind farms North Sea

    In our energy transition, the North Sea plays a major role. The space required for offshore wind farms is huge, affecting the ecosystem and all other activities that take place at sea. How can offshore wind farms be designed and used in such a way that they also function as food and energy hubs and contribute to the restoration of biodiversity? This was investigated in the Joint Industry Project TKI Road2SID, coordinated by Deltares.

    12 December 2023

  6. Cop28

    Deltares at COP28: Water as a dealmaker

    As world leaders, NGOs, and the climate community gather together in Dubai for COP28, the stakes have never been higher. Climate action is urgently needed to keep the Paris Agreement goals within reach. On 10 December, COP28 will focus on the importance of water. At Deltares, we are convinced that water can play an essential role, and call on the climate community and water sector to work together.

    8 December 2023

  7. foto oosterschelde roggeplaat

    How can we effectively tackle sand starvation in the Eastern Scheldt?

    This is an important question because, in addition to the negative effect on nature, sand starvation in the Eastern Scheldt and in similar systems worldwide can also result in safety problems for the hinterland in the long term.

    4 December 2023

  8. Benelux waterdag

    JCAR ATRACE programme officially kicks off

    JCAR ATRACE, a joint cooperation programme facilitating scientific applied research on flood and drought risk management in regional river basins, was officially launched during the Benelux Water Day on 29 November.

    30 November 2023

  9. Noordzee 3 11zon

    Sea level on Dutch coast rose further in 2022

    Today Deltares presented the annual calculation of the sea level on the Dutch coast. The last, more comprehensive, four-yearly, report noted for the first time, in addition to the worldwide observation, an acceleration in sea level rise along the Dutch coast. That conclusion has been confirmed now that the data for 2022 have been added. The sea level data on the Dutch coast can, as concluded last year, best be described by a trend of 1.8 mm/year until thirty years ago, and an increase in the average annual rise to 2.9 mm/year thereafter.

    30 November 2023

  10. GS KORFF MANDY 003

    Mandy Korff appointed as top expert of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering

    It was announced this month that the Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE) is emphasizing the importance of technological innovation with the appointment of 62 fellows / members. One of the fellows is Mandy Korff, an expert at Deltares on foundation engineering.

    21 November 2023

  11. Strategic research activity plan 2024 published

    Deltares has published the Activity Plan Mission-driven research 2024. It outlines the main lines of the Strategic Research that Deltares will carry out in 2024.

    1 November 2023

  12. Waterloupe

    WaterLOUPE expanded to Lima, Johannesburg, and Chennai

    The WaterLOUPE dashboard, developed by Deltares and supported by Kimberly-Clark, the global consumer packaged goods manufacturer, maps local water scarcity challenges faced by different types of water users in various metropolitan regions, based on current and various future scenarios. Following successful applications around the world, it has expanded to Lima, Peru, Johannesburg, South Africa and Chennai, India.

    1 November 2023