
On this page you will find an overview of current projects being carried out by Deltares.


  • Health water, soil
  • Energy transition
  • Future proof infrastructure
  • Floods
  • Water supply
  • Drought
  • Subsidence
  • Resilient cities
  • Sea level rise


  • Asia
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Europe
  • Africa
  • United States and Canada
  • Oceania
  • Middle East and the Gulf Region
155 projects found
  1. Global Water Watch: app with worldwide water information

    Societies and economies are under threat because of the unreliability of per capita water resources due to climate change, non-sustainable use and political instability. Worldwide water information is essential to address this fundamental challenge. To stimulate access to water information, thDeltares has – with its partners World Resources…
    Water supply Floods
  2. Sustainable and low-cost installation of monopile foundations for future very large wind turbines

    Within five years, the GROW research project SIMOX, Sustainable Installation of XXL Monopiles, aims to have innovative technologies for the installation of large offshore wind turbines foundations commercially available. By testing multiple techniques, SIMOX will develop new and necessary technical and environmental knowledge. Such techniques…
    Energy transition
  3. Deltares peat mapping in Indonesia – status update

    In 2017 Deltares, together with ITB (Institute of Technology Bandung), submitted a rapid and cost effective peat mapping method to the Indonesian Peat Prize that applied an elevation model (DTM) created from airborne LiDAR data, and limited field measurements of peat thickness. The position of the peat bottom is determined by subtracting the peat…
    Floods Subsidence
  4. Sustainable decommissioning of offshore wind turbine foundations

    The limited lifetime of offshore wind farms requires an efficient and safe decommissioning. The project Hydraulic Pile Extraction Scale Tests (HyPE-ST) studied the option of removal of offshore wind turbine foundations (monopiles) in a sustainable way. HyPE-ST project aimed at both the fundamental understanding and the demonstration of the…
    Energy transition
  5. Major joint industry project for more reliable offshore cables

    The Cable Lifetime Monitoring Joint Industry Project (JIP CALM) was launched on 8 July 2019. This project is a collaboration between over 30 international organisations that aim to reduce subsea power-cable failures and make offshore wind energy more reliable.
    Energy transition
  6. New pile installation method for offshore wind monopiles

    Monopiles are one of the most common foundation designs in offshore wind construction due to their ease of installation in shallow to medium depths of water. The dominant method used to drive monopiles into the seabed is the so-called hydraulic impact piling (hammering). The main disadvantages of this technique are the noise levels emitted during…
    Energy transition
  7. Pre-feasibility study of ecosystem-based adaptation measures for Xiangtan

    The Asian Development Bank (ADB) assigned Deltares and Ewaters a pre-feasibility study on suitable ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) measures for Xiangtan, People’s Republic of China, in the context of its Xiangtan Low-Carbon Transformation Sector Development Program.
  8. Joint Industry Project HAWAIII - sHAllow WAter InItIative

    The JIP HawaIII, as an acronym for “sHAllow Water InItIative”, are a series of research projects with several international partners on the mooring of LNG vessels in intermediate water depths (15m – 40 m) in the nearshore area. LNG vessels are often moored in the nearshore coastal zone, outside of a main port area.
    Future proof infrastructure
  9. Innovative mooring technology in ports of the future

    In collaboration with Shoretension, Royal HaskoningDHV, MARIN, Vopak and Shell, Deltares is looking at the possibilities for innovative mooring technology in the ports of the future, where sustainability and economic vitality are vital. These ports will very probably look different from the ones we know today.
    Future proof infrastructure
  10. Port of Salaverry siltation and maintenance dredging program

    Deltares assisted Salaverry Terminal Internacional (STI, the operator of the Port of Salaverry, Peru) by predicting the port's maintenance dredging needs and advising on the technical feasibility of conceptual solutions to reduce the maintenance dredging volume and interval. This advise was based on analysis of in-situ collected and publicly…
    Future proof infrastructure
  11. Porto do Açu – Impact of climate change on port operations

    In 2021 Deltares conducted a study to assess potential impacts of climate change effects on the operations and infrastructure of Porto do Açu (Brazil), including changing sea level, winds, waves and precipitation regimes. The assessments were divided into two consecutive phases: 1) determine the current climate environmental conditions and define…
    Future proof infrastructure
  12. Metocean conditions during the incident with the MSC Zoe

    In 2019 the Dutch Safety Board (Onderzoeksraad voor Veiligheid, OVV) performed an investigation into the incident involving container vessel ‘MSC Zoe’ on 1-2 January 2019, where the ship lost several containers in an area north of the Dutch Wadden Islands.
    Future proof infrastructure